The text of the UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF ANIMAL RIGHTS has been adopted from
the International League of Animal Rights and Affiliated National Leagues in the
course of an International Meeting on Animal Rights which took place in London
from 21st to 23rd September 1977.
Considering that Life is one, all living beings having a common origin
and having diversified in the course of the evolution of the species;
Considering that all living beings possess natural rights, and that any
animal with a nervous system has specific rights;
Considering that the contempt for, and even the simple ignorance of these
natural rights cause serious damage to nature and lead man to commit crimes
against animals;
Considering that the coexistence of species implies a recognition by the
human species of the right of other animal species to live;
Considering that the respect of humans for animals is inseparable
from the respect of man for another man.
Article 1 All animals are born equal and they have the same rights
to existence.
Article 2 a) Every animal has the right to be respected. b) Man,
like the animal species, cannot assume the right to exterminate other animals or
to exploit them, thereby violating this right. He should use his conscience for
the service of the animals. c) Every animal has the right to consideration,
good treatment and the protection of man. Article 3 a) No animal should be submitted to bad treatment or
cruel actions. b) If the death of an animal is necessary, this should be
sudden and without fear or pain.
Article 4 a) All animals belonging to a wild species have the right
to live free in their natural environment, and have the right to
reproduce. b) Each deprivation of freedom, even for educational purposes, is
in opposition to this right.
Article 5 a) Every animal that usually lives in a domestic
environment must live and grow to a rhythm natural to his species. b) Any
change to this rhythm and conditions dictated by man for mercantile purpose, is
a contradiction of this law.
Article 6 a) All animals selected by man, as companions must have a
life corresponding to their natural longevity. b) To abandon an animal is a
cruel and degrading action.
Article 7 Working animals must only work for a limited period and
must not be worked to exhaustion. They must have adequate food and rest.
Article 8 a) Experiments on animals that cause physical and mental
pain, are incompatible with animal rights, even if it is for medical,
scientific, commercial or any other kind of experiment. b) A substitute
technique must be investigated and developed. Article 9 In the eventuality of an animal bred for food, it must be
fed, managed, transported and killed without it being in fear or pain.
Article 10 a) No animal should be used for entertainment. b)
Animal exhibitions and shows that use animals are incompatible with an animal's
Article 11 Every action that causes the unnecessary death of an
animal, is cruel which is a crime against life.
Article 12 a) Every action that causes the death of a lot of wild
animals is genocide, that is a crime against the species. b) Pollution and
destruction leads to the extinction of the species.
Article 13 a) Dead animals must be treated with respect. b)
Violent scenes, where animals are the victims, must be forbidden at the cinema
and on TV, unless they are for the demonstration of animal rights.
Article 14 a) Protection and safeguarding associations must be
represented at government level. b) Animal rights must be defended by law as
are human rights.
C.I.C.L. ©
First edition card 02/12/2006 - Updated